Theatre Contra is hosting their first fundraiser! Join the team behind your favorite irreverant movie readings at your favorite sticker covered bar for an evening of movie trivia, performances, prizes, and more!
In between each round of trivia, we'll be doing a live reading of some of the weirdest, and wildest movie trailers that have ever existed.
All proceeds go towards producing our upcoming show DARE NIGHT: NATIONAL TREASURE and supporting our work over 2024! This reading of a Nic Cage classic takes our live readings to a new level! Higher production value, bigger space, and YOU are in control - throughout the night you'll have the opportunity to dare us to do whatever the hell you want.
Over 2024, we are producing 8 live readings and two productions - all of this is not possible without YOUR support. Thank you for joining us!
More Information:
- Tickets are $20.
- Must reserve tickets to gurantee a spot.
- Max team size of 4.
- Buy 4 tickets, get 20% off!
- Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams!
Tattooed Mom (530 South Street)
March 11th, 2024 - 7:00pm
Learn more about what we do at or on instagram at @theatrecontra